Episode 57
I love these quotes.
All of us constantly fluctuate between living in a mindset of scarcity or abundance. Here are the 5 biggest things I’ve learned about these two mindsets:
1) Our mindset shapes our reality.
The mindset of scarcity is one of fear and lacking resources, and makes you feel like ther isn’t enough to share. The mindset of abundance if one of faith and having enough, which promotes giving to others.
2) Scarcity limites growth, whereas abundance expands it.
I firmly believe our purpose on earth is to progress and grow, and that fulfillment comes from growing, giving, and serving. The more abundance we feel, the more we can fulfill that life mission.
3) Scarcity breeds competition, while abundance fosters collaboration.
Every time I’ve watched a business negotiation fall apart, it was because the parties involved believed that there was a fixed pie, and one would get more and the other less. Steven Covey in his book 7 Habits talks about how success comes when we keep talking until we find a win-win deal, which requires an abundance mindset.
4) Scarcity is reactive, whereas abundance is proactive.
I often get reactive when I’m tired or something bad happens. I rarely make good decisions during these times, which is why being focused on preparing for the worst while hoping for the best allows you to take things in stride and stay in a good mindset.
5) Scarcity focuses on immediate needs, while abundance looks at the bigger picture.
Very few things in life actually matter, and when we can remember that and prioritize what matters, such as family, relationships, God, and giving, then life becomes a lot more of a simple and happy experience. Abundance helps you keep the most important things the most important things.
“When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.” - Lao Tzu.
“Abundance is not something we acquire, it’s something we tune into.” - Wayne Dyer
“The more that we praise and celebrate our life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” - Oprah