Episode 54
A few years ago Gail Miller and her husband Larry were driving home from watching a baseball game in Colorado.
On the way back home, the car suddenly spluttered and came to stop. They had run out of gas.
Shocked and confused, Gail and Larry weren’t sure what they were going to do. They were a young married couple with a small baby and no money (they had spent the previous night sleeping in the car because they couldn’t afford a hotel).
Determined to get help without leaving his wife and child, Larry got out of the car to try and wave down drivers as they passed by.
The first driver to pass was a truck carrying fuel and oil. The driver was an older gentleman, and his job was to check on the oil wells in the area. He walked over and asked Larry what the problem was.
Larry explained to him that they had run out of gas, and were wondering if he could give him and his family a lift to the nearest town to get gas.
The man nodded and said, “I’ve got gas with me, let’s just use that.”
Extremely grateful, Larry agreed. After refueling and priming the car, it roared back to life with no problem.
Gail and Larry then offered the man money for his help, but the man declined. “Please,” Larry added, “we seriously cannot thank you enough for your help. Please take this.”
But the man again refused. “Well then,” Larry said, “if there’s ever anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to ask.”
The man chuckled and climbed into his truck. But then he paused and got back out. He then said, “Actually, there is something you can do for me—the next time you see someone stuck on the side of the road, pull over and help them out.”
The young couple agreed, and the man drove away.
Years later, Gail told this story at the MW3 conference we at Sandlot hosted back in 2023. Gail told us,
“That act of kindness made a big impression on us as a young couple, and changed our lives forever.”
She then followed with this impactful line:
“It doesn’t take money to have a kind heart.”
As we get into the swing of things in Q1, let’s remember to take the time to stop and help others along the way, no matter our income. Not only will it bless that individual and your own life, but the memories it creates will be worth their weight in gold.