Episode 56
Jared Sine had to have emergency surgery 3 days after he was born.
He was diagnosed with Hirschsprung’s disease, which affected his intenstines and has required many surgeries over the period of his life.
Despite his health issues, I am absolutely blown away by what he has been able to accomplish at his age.
Jared started out attending BYU, before doing an internship at Innosight for a year, where he got to work closely with Clayton Christensen, the esteemed business professional who wrote one of my favorite books ever, How Will You Measure Your Life?
After his time at Innosight, Jared returned to BYU to get a degree in law. Despite many health challenges and the pressures of being a newleywed, he perservered and was able to not only graduate at the top of his class, but also through a helpful connection get a job at Cravath Law in NYC, which is the most prestigious law firm in the country.
Later down the road Jared and his wife Ruth decided they wanted to have more children, which would require moving out of New York. Jared applied to work at Expedia in LA, and was able to land a job there working with their mergers and acquisitions, where they increased the value of the company by billions of dollars.
From Expedia he later worked for Match.com (the company that owns Tinder and match.com) as their General Counsel, which meant he was their top legal officer for the entire company. While he was there he helped negotiate the purchase of Hinge, and also helped the company win a strenuous lawsuit against Google. Again, he helped to increase the company’s value by billions.
After his time at Match, he then landed a job at GoDaddy, where he has continued to work and provide his expert services in law.
Despite an incredibly successful career, Jared is still one of the most humble and faithful people I know. He chalks most of his success up to A) Forging relationships with the right people, and B) Always putting God first.
One of the things I admire the most about Jared is that he never works on Sundays, so he can dedicate that day to God and church. His dedication to keeping that commandment has lead to amazing blessings and opportunities he told me he wouldn’t have had otherwise.