Episode 51
When he was young Kyle Reyes struggled academically, and held a general dislike for college.
Until a mentor showed him how specific classes allowed his strengths for art and creativity to thrive. Now as the Vice President of Institutional Advancement at UVU, he uses that same mindset to help current students find their own direction.
For example, he explained to me that Gen Z is a purpose-driven generation, and that they need to understand how what they are learning is relevant to what they are passionate about, before they will take studying seriously. Kyle’s superpower is being able to help this younger generation assimilate their purpose with education, and he has used it to bless so many lives.
Kyle has worked in education for a long time, and I personally believe that he embodies the best ideas, principles, and characteristics that higher education could have. His genuine desire to help the students reach their full potential is inspirational to me.
Education and the American dream are such hot topics in today’s society, and I strongly recommend that everyone watch our conversation together. It opened my eyes to see some of these things in a way I’d never thought of before.