Episode 53
Liz Darger was having an identity crisis.
Growing up, Liz had been a leader on her highschool basketball team, was a part of the student choir, and had been on student council. She felt like she had a strong sense of community and self-confidence in who she was and what she was doing.
She had always planned on attending college at the Utah State University, and had even been accepted as a D1 volleyball athlete. Her family has gone to USU, and that’s where most of her friends were going as well.
However, something didn’t feel right to Liz. Even though she was beyond excited to go to Utah State, she felt strongly like she needed to pray about her decision again. So she prayed about it, and felt strongly prompted that she should attend BYU instead.
While this answer came as a schock to her, she decided to trust God. So she enrolled in BYU, knowing that she was saying no to her friends and athletic opportunities.
Liz told me that those first few months at BYU were incredible challenging for her. She felt like she was having an identity crisis. She had been all these things in high school, but now she didn’t know who she was and what she was doing.
One night Liz told me she had been sitting there, asking herself, “Who am I?” over and over again constantly. While she was thinking, she suddenly felt a response from her Heavenly Father:
“You’re my daughter. That’s who you are.”
Being reminded that she was a daughter of God completely transformed Liz’s worldview. Even though she didn’t know what the future held or what she was going to do, knowing that she had a divine and eternal potential gave her the strength and confidence to keep pushing forward.
The result? Liz met incredible people and friends who helped her find opportunities coaching basketball for Timpview highschool, then at UVU, and then joining BYU’s athletic program. Liz has been able to lead and touch an incredible number of lives through her roles, which never would have happened if she hadn’t trusted in God’s promptings.
I love Liz’s story so much because we all struggle with self-doubt and self-limiting beliefs that hold us back—but when we remember that we have infinite potential as a child of a living God we can find the strength, confidence, and determination to keep moving forward as we progress through this incredible life God has given us.
Huge thanks to Liz for sharing her story.