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Episode 39


Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and YouTube


The 10 most impactful habits of my life: 


1) Waking up early. The difference between waking up at 6 am vs 7am massively changes the rest of my day. Having an hour of quietness before things start allows me to recenter, prioritize, and attack the day feeling fresh and energized.


2) Meditation. Sometimes our minds are too noisy with everything going on, and following guided meditations helps bring my mind back into a positive, centered state. I especially love the meditations from Tony Robbins.


3) Top 10/weekly planning. I’ve already shared a lot about my weekly planning ritual, but a critical piece of that is my “top 10” list, where I list out my 10 biggest goals in life and then erase them. Rewriting them daily solidifies them in my mind so I’m always aware of them in every decision I make.


4) Daily workout. There is so much science out there about how getting a good sweat in helps boost your endorphins. I just feel so much better on the days where I did something active vs the days I didn’t.


5) Micro-giving. Everyday we fluctuate between feelings of abundance and scarcity, and so I try to make a conscious effort to give money, time, and attention in small ways to those around me. From over-tipping the doordash driver to calling a friend, this habit has created so many impactful moments in my life.


6) Attending church. To be honest, it’s taken me a long time to see the value in attending church, but as I’ve grown I can easily say it’s one of the best few hours of my week. Taking the time to celebrate God and be with family and community energizes me in ways nothing else can.


7) Quarterly trips with my wife. Life gets busy with so many kids, and taking the time every quarter to escape somewhere with Chelsea helps keep our marriage passionate and gives us the opportunity to review our family goals and how we can better help our kids.


8) Pay yourself first. Early on in my career I worked hard to save more than I spent, and now I try to take the time to teach my kids this principle. Recently I had a great talk with my daughter Covey in the hot tub about investing and why it’s important to let your money grow versus spending it.


9) Gratitude. Another part of my weekly planning is a gratitude list, where I’ll answer two questions: What am I grateful for? And, What’s good in my life? Taking the time to write out as many answers as I can to these questions creates a wave of positive momentum in my week.


10) Modeling excellence. None of the ideas or philosophies I live by are mine—I developed them through consciously modelling people I look up to. If I see an attribute I like in someone else, I’ll take the time to identify what they do and how they do it, and then practice it in my own life until it becomes natural.

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